Wills and Trusts Complete Solution 4.0
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Complete Will Package: Will with a trust giving the property to the spouse for life and the remainder to children and Power of Attorney & Living Will documents.
Complete Will Package: Will with a trust giving the property to the spouse for life and the remainder to children and Power of Attorney & Living Will documents. Letter explaining wills trusts probate & consequences of dying without a will. Letters of instruction info about your assets and directions to the executor. Letter to a client explaining the directive to a physician or living will form. Directive to physicians or Living Will. Directive to physicians and family or surrogates. Medical Power Of Attorney & Designation Of Health Care Agent. Letter to a client explaining the durable power of attorney form. Statutory durable power of attorney for property management. Non statutory durable power of attorney-for property management longer form. Durable power of attorney for health care purposes and disclosure statement. Gift by a living donor of organs, tissues and or parts upon death. Declaration for mental health treatment. Letter to a client explaining when to update their will.