Adoption Complete Solution 1.00
The following forms provide the documentation necessary to handle the termination of parental rights for a minor child from the start to finish. It includes the petition for termination of Parental Rights, related documents and decree terminating the parental rights.
Adoption Complete Solution 10.00
Adoption Complete Solution 2.00
Complete Package For The Termination of Parental Rights & Adoption Of A Minor Child By A Step Parent. The following forms provide the documentation necessary to handle the combined termination of parental rights and adoption of a minor child by a step parent from the start to finish. These forms include the petition for adoption, related documents and decree granting the adoption.
Adoption Complete Solution 2.10
The following forms provide the documentation necessary to handle the combined termination of parental rights and adoption of a minor child by a non parent from the start to finish. These forms include the petition for adoption, related documents and decree granting the adoption.
Adoption Complete Solution 3.00
The following forms provide the documentation necessary to handle the adoption of a minor child after a prior termination of parental rights proceeding has been completed. These forms include the petition for adoption, related documents and decree granting the adoption.
Adoption Complete Solution 4.00
The following forms provide the documentation necessary to handle the adoption of an adult from the start to finish. It includes the petition for adoption, related documents and decree granting the adoption.
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This form provides a definition of the Adoption process and its purpose.
Adoption Individual Form 10.00
This form documents the fact that the attorney has disclosed important information about the adoption process, and presents the adoptive parent with an form for making a decision regarding the dilemma presented to the client and attorney regarding the possible revocation of the affidavit of relinquishment after the expiration of the 60 day period.
Click here to view sampleAdoption Individual Form 11.00
This form is used to transfer an adoption proceeding to another court.
Click here to view sampleAdoption Individual Form 12.00
Should You File A Separate Petition for Termination Of Parental Rights Followed by an Adoption Proceeding?
This form provides information about the advisability of filing a separate proceeding first to terminate parental rights and then filing an adoption proceeding vs. combining the termination of parental rights proceeding with the adoption action in one lawsuit.
Click here to view sampleAdoption Individual Form 13.00
This form provides information about terminating the parental rights of a parent in a separate lawsuit prior to filing an adoption proceeding.
Click here to view sampleAdoption Individual Form 14.00
This form is used to terminate the parental rights of a parent in a separate lawsuit prior to filing an adoption proceeding.
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